Nice Inspirational Words from Today's Hakhel Email:
Special Note Six: In last week’s Parsha, the Torah records that “Elef LeMateh, Elef LeMateh--or "1,000 soldiers, 1,000 soldiers" were to be taken from each Shevet to do battle with Midyan. Why does the Torah phrase it as “1,000 soldiers, 1,000soldiers”--and not simply as “2,000 soldiers”? It is because 1,000 soldiers actually went to war, and the other 1,000 were enlisted to daven for victory. HaRav Yechezkel Levenstein, Z’tl, teaches that the 1,000 who were davening did not stay behind--but actually accompanied the fighting soldiers to battle, so that the soldiers would understand that it was not their military prowess ('Kochi VeOtzem Yadi') that was the basis of their victory--but rather it was Hashem who was the Source of victory through our Tefillos. Hakhel Note: During these times, as we wind down the Jewish People’s career in Galus, we may add that it is not only the soldiers who should be aware of the singular power of our Tefillos, but it is we ourselves who must know and understand that when we pray such tefillos as“VeLeYerushalayim Ircha", "Es Tzemach", "Shema Koleinu", and the like, with sincerity of heart, we are fighting--and defeating-- those who mean us harm from Teheran to Turkey, and from Moscow to Washington D.C. There may be spies and counter spies, politicians and statesmen, military analysts and advisors and the most advanced of weaponry, but the battles are won in Hashem's Court, and Hashem's Court only. Incredibly, Chazal teach that Nevuchadnezzar did not allow the Jewish people to rest upon exiling them, until they got to “Al Naharos Bavel” because he was fearful of their ability to wholly reverse the entire earth-shattering decree against them by simply turning and returning to Hashem. Let us not lose the opportunities that the soldiers in battle were made aware of, that Nevuchadnezzar knew about, and that has been a recurrent theme of our existence since the days of Yetzias Mitzrayim. Let us take out the time in these days to cry out to Hashem, as HaRav Leib Chasmin, Z’tl, teaches “KeShekoeiv Zoakim--when one is in pain, he cries out.” Together we can turn this period from a time of nuclear armament to nuclear disarmament, from a time of swords into a time of plowshares, and from a time of terror to a time of love and peace. This is Hashem's World and no one else's--we all know it--now is the time to feel it--and to meaningfully express it!
The Spiritual Meaning of Snow
2 days ago
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