From Today's Hakhel Email:
Special Note One: Two other points on VeLirushalayim, Bishuasecha and Lishuasecha:
1. One reader pointed out that it cannot be coincidence (as we know, it never is!) that the words we have to be careful with in Shemone Esrei relate to Yerushalayim and our Yeshua. It is like asking the King for a special request and being very careful that you are clearly understood. Could you imagine slurring the words or not being careful with the wording of your appeal? If you are not so concerned with the essential request...maybe the King shouldn’t be either....On the other hand, if your stretched out hand is matched by a careful and pleading voice--the King will surely recognize your urgency and sincerity--and we will all be the better for it!
2. A reader explained in the name of HaRav Shlomo HaKohen of Vilna that the VeLirushalayim Ircha in the bracha refers to the Yerushalayim Shel Ma’alah. At the time of the destruction, the people thought that, through their suffering and their Teshuva, Yerushalayim would quickly be rebuilt. However, when they learned that the Yerushalayim Shel Ma’aleh was no longer above its counterpart below--they were no longer mechuven zeh kneged zeh--the devastating calamity was apparent-and everyone began to mourn. Accordingly, with the words VeLirushalayim Ircha--And Yerushalayim Your City--we are not merely asking for our city below, but rather that Your City, the city above, is reestablished so that the Heavens and Earth can once again unite--at the Makom HaMikdash. No one on Earth can fulfill this request--but we are pleading to the All-Knowing, All-Capable, and All-Merciful King of the Universe--Who wants to return to the City, both above and below, and see the world fulfill its purpose--that is why our plea is so essential!
Additional Note: Our reader who pointed out the proper pronunciations asked us to clarify pronunciation of *Vayire’u* Es Hashem that we described yesterday with the following corrected words: “It should be Va.Yee.R.u. four syllables with the chirik as a chiruk gadol. VaYire’U, as you wrote, makes it sound like three syllables with the chirik as a chiruk katan.” Hakhel Response: Thank you, dear reader. It is because of you that we all have a better appreciation of the word “careful”--we are full of care--over that which we care about!
The Spiritual Meaning of Snow
2 days ago
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