Monday, November 19, 2012

Several Miracles as Reported by World Mizrachi

Update from Israel 58
Operation Pillar of Defense

Dear Chaverim

I enclose herewith our latest update. The shooting of rockets continues unabated but the miracles are unbelievable.

Two families whose homes received a direct hit that totally destroyed their home came out without a scratch because they ran into their secure room (Mammad).

A man and his wife were in their car, heard the siren, got out of their car and ran to the side of the road and a few seconds later the car took a direct hit and was totally destroyed.

Meanwhile 40,000 reserves have been called up and are waiting at the Gaza border

There has been no let up on the firing of rockets and so far today (4pm) over 70 rockets have been fired on the South.

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